After nearly four decades, Harrison Ford has joyfully reunited with Ke Huy Quan, his co-star from “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,” at the annual Disney expo D23. Quan, who portrayed the clever orphan Short Round from Shanghai, played a pivotal role in helping Indiana Jones uncover the secrets of a dangerous cult, creating an unforgettable on-screen chemistry with Ford that has become a hallmark of Steven Spielberg’s beloved adventure series.
Recently at D23, Quan shared a touching photo of him and Ford embracing, captioning it with the iconic line from “Temple of Doom”: “I love you, Indy.”
This heartwarming reunion has fueled rumors about Short Round potentially appearing in “Indiana Jones 5.” While there hasn’t been an official announcement regarding Quan’s casting, Ford has stated that the upcoming fifth installment will be his last time donning the famous fedora, making it a perfect moment for a reunion with Short Round.
Ke Huy Quan recently returned to acting after a more than twenty-year hiatus, earning praise for his role as Michelle Yeoh’s husband in the critically acclaimed “Everything Everywhere All at Once.” In an interview with GQ, Quan revealed that he was motivated to return to the industry after seeing the success of fellow Asian actors in “Crazy Rich Asians.” “Seeing my fellow Asian actors on screen gave me serious FOMO. I wanted to be up there with them,” Quan shared. “My comeback is directly inspired by the strides they have made.”