Sleep is crucial for health, and researchers continuously study ways to improve sleep quality. According to new research, women sleep better next to dogs than humans or cats. Canisius College in New York State conducted a study showing that dogs make better sleep partners.
Research Finds Women Sleep Better Next to Dogs
Christy Hoffman, Ph.D., an animal behaviorist and the study’s lead researcher, surveyed nearly 1,000 women in the United States. The results revealed that 55% of participants shared their bed with at least one dog, 31% with at least one cat, and 57% with a human partner.
Hoffman found that dogs’ sleeping patterns align more closely with humans’ than cats’, making them better bed companions. Dogs are also more accommodating to their owner’s sleep schedule compared to human partners. Dogs tend to stay still during the night, unlike cats, which frequently move on and off the bed.
Additionally, dogs provide a sense of security that cats or human partners may not. Their presence can offer psychological comfort and deter intruders.
While the study suggests that dogs are ideal sleep companions, this benefit is subjective. Factors like snoring or body heat can affect sleep quality. The research is based on participants’ perceptions, so more objective studies are needed. Hoffman advocates for further research to understand the contexts in which pets positively or negatively impact sleep quality.
Continuing this line of research could provide valuable insights for many pet-owning households in America. Future studies might use devices like Fitbits to objectively track sleep quality in different conditions.