Bo Derek, born Mary Cathleen Collins on November 20, 1956, embarked on her journey from a child model to a captivating actress with a little help from Hollywood’s glitterati. Discovered through a connection with actress Ann-Margret, who was well-acquainted with her parents, Derek stepped into the limelight with her film debut in *Once Upon a Love* (1973), directed by her first husband, John Derek, and later rebranded as *Fantasies* (1981). But it was her role in the iconic comedy *10* (1979) that truly catapulted her into fame, earning her a Golden Globe nod for New Star of the Year.
Her collaborations with John Derek continued with films like *Tarzan, the Ape Man* (1981) and *Bolero* (1984), though they didn’t fare well with critics. Derek also showcased her versatility in *A Change of Seasons* (1980) and the comedic gem *Tommy Boy* (1995), and graced the small screen in *Fashion House* (2006).
Beyond the glitz and glamor, Derek’s heart beats for philanthropy. From advocating for disabled veterans and wildlife conservation to championing horse welfare, she’s made a significant impact. Appointed to the Kennedy Center Board and the California Horse Racing Board by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Derek’s contributions extend far beyond her film career. In a full-circle moment, she married actor John Corbett in December 2020, adding a new chapter to her fascinating life story.